Watch This Video & Learn How To Create Your Own "Paycheck For Life"
Watch This Video & Learn How To Create Your Own "Paycheck For Life"
You've probably heard that the #1 fear of the "Baby Boomer" generation is the fear of "running out of money. "
This fear is based on not knowing the answers to two questions:
#1 - How long you and your spouse will live ("will we live to age 80? 90? 100+?")
#2 - What will the stock market will do during your retirement? ("will it crash & take years to recover, like 2008-2009? I don't have time to wait for it to recover!")
So here's a question for your consideration:
What would your retirement be like if you could know, with 100% certainty, that you and your spouse will receive a guaranteed check, every month, for the rest of your lives, regardless of how long you and your spouse live, and regardless of what the stock market does?"
In other words, what if you and your spouse could have your own guaranteed "private pension?"
Well, the short answer is "You CAN have your own 'private pension,' if that's what you want."
Next Steps:
a) Take 4 minutes & watch the video
b) Schedule a time to go "Window Shopping" with me
"Window Shopping" - based solely on information you provide, you and I will search all available annuities and we'll instantly know which company will provide the highest guaranteed 'paycheck' every month, for the rest of your life and the life of your spouse.
You'll then be able to "turn the account you HAVE into an account you WANT."
After you watch the video, I know you'll have questions.
Feel free to send me an email or contact my office with any questions you may have, or to set up a time for us to go "Window Shopping" for the highest guaranteed "paycheck for life" for you and your spouse...
I look forward to answering your questions...
Best regards,
Rick Dennis, CFF
Certified Financial Fiduciary®
Your Retirement…Insured & Guaranteed
TX License # 1281501
"Own stocks for what they MIGHT do."
"Own annuities for what they WILL do."
[email protected]
(713) 206-3885 - office
(832) 356-SAFE (7233) - direct
Your Own Private "Paycheck for Life"
"paycheck for life"
Guaranteed monthly check for the rest of your life & your spouse's life.
Your current retirement plan simply can't do that!
Lock in gains automatically
Your 401(k) or IRA will also "lock in" gains automatically when stock market moves higher.
Your current plan can't do that, either!
No "management" fees - zero, zip, nada
Annual "management" fee: $0.00
Take Control of Your Retirement Savings
Rick Dennis is a Certified Financial Fiduciary, and is President of Conservative Retirement Solutions, LLC, a Houston-based retirement planning company.
Rick provides financial education to help people learn about options they may not know about - options that can a) eliminate stock market losses, b) provide a guaranteed "paycheck for life," c) save money on their taxes and d) "turn the retirement accounts they have into the accounts they want."
Rick enjoys singing with the The Houston Tidelanders, a men's barbershop chorus, and he's a diehard Houston Astros fan. He's married (44 years) and has two grown children.
Rick Dennis is a Certified Financial Fiduciary, and is President of Conservative Retirement Solutions, LLC, a Houston-based retirement planning company.
Rick provides financial education to help people learn about options they may not know about - options that can a) eliminate stock market losses, b) provide a guaranteed "paycheck for life," c) save money on their taxes and d) "turn the retirement accounts they have into the accounts they want."
Rick enjoys singing with the The Houston Tidelanders, a men's barbershop chorus, and he's a diehard Houston Astros fan. He's married (44 years) and has two grown children.